Sunday, 15 September 2013

Our top three faults we see when preparing our students for a driving test. Each and every day we see candidates for driving test preparation the same faults keep on arising.We are listing our top three that we feel come up over and over again.Starting off with the observation section we have No 1 failing to observation correctly at T-junctions.Now what does this mean exactly?Lets start off by imaging two  types of T-junction ,open and closed.An open T-junction is when you can see clearly in both directions on approach ,an by see clearly I mean at least 100 yards in each direction.If there is a yield sign here then you may not have to stop to access ,however at closed T-junctions were your view is obscured in either one or both directions by for example walls,bushes,houses,parked cars or any other hazard then a stop is essential regardless of what the sign says.By stopping this will give you the opportunity to access the road properly before committing to the turn.You must look clearly in both directions before moving on.It is vital that when you move into the new road that you do not cause another road user to slow or stop for your actions. I always ask my students to use the LADA routine here.Look into the road,Access the situation ,Decide on what your course of action will be,An Act on the decision that you make.No 2 Reaction to hazards.What is a hazard exactly you may ask?It is anything that makes you change your speed of course.Reading the road well ahead and reacting early to obstructions is vital.Checking mirrors well in advance and deciding if a signal is necessary is vital.A common fault I see here constantly is a student driving too close to a hazard and leaving all observation and adjusting position to the last second.Residential areas are prone to a high volumes of parked cars so make sure your keeping yourself in a position that you can clearly see the road ahead and all other road users can see you.As the list of hazards is endless this is just a simple example of dealing with them,an No 3 is and to alot of peoples surprise driving TOO SLOW.Isn't driving slow the safest way to go I hear you say.No not exactly as you then become the obstruction on the road.This is a very common fault amongst drivers who tell me that they are always above the speed limit in their everyday driving.They know that this is an obvious fault so on pre test day they slow their speed down ,but often far too much and are constantly looking at their speedometer .Driving at the correct speed without looking at clocks is an essential part of safe driving where by your eyes are always on the road.So if your driving test sheet has marks on progress then this maybe were your going wrong.There are plenty more areas in lack of progression but this is one that occurs more frequently.So before embarking on any driving test make sure that you leave plenty of time to prepare yourself.Get an assessment done from any qualified ADI and they will tell you exactly what you need.The earlier the better then you will have ample time to make any changes required and have your driving natural rather than forced.
For any further info you may require contact us at 014061925.

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